

Provides access to the battery-backed clock which keeps the time while the system is powered off.


Offset Name First OS Version
-6 ResetBattClock V36
-12 ReadBattClock V36
-18 WriteBattClock V36


Purpose Reset the clock chip.
Synopsis ResetBattClock()
Synopsis Asm ResetBattClock()
Synopsis C void ResetBattClock( void );

This routine does whatever is needed to put the clock chip into a working and usable state and also sets the date on the clock chip to 01-Jan-1978.


Purpose Read time from clock chip.
Synopsis AmigaTime = ReadBattClock()
Synopsis Asm D0 = ReadBattClock()
Synopsis C ULONG ReadBattClock(void);
Returns AmigaTime The number of seconds from 01-Jan-1978 that the clock chip thinks it is.

This routine reads the time from the clock chip and returns as the number of seconds from 01-jan-1978.

If the clock chip returns an invalid date, the clock chip reset and 0 is returned.


Purpose Set the time on the clock chip.
Synopsis WriteBattClock(AmigaTime)
Synopsis Asm WriteBattClock(D0)
Synopsis C ULONG ReadBattClock(void);
Inputs AmigaTime The number of seconds from 01-Jan-1978 that the clock chip thinks it is.

This routine writes the time given in AmigaTime to the clock chip.

Other Information

Wiki References

This material is most likely derived from the official Amiga documentation and where applicable copyright remains with the original author.