K240 Ships

Ship construction data

Disassembly reveals a data structure at location $1e560 in the main K240 executable, beginning "1402011400020302". This stores construction data for all Terran ships. All values below are hexadecimal.

Arm. Spd. HP Build Ore 1 Ore 2 ID Name Cost Len ?? 1 ?? 2 Ship name
14 02 01 14 0002 0302 0200 007f 1770 000d 00000000 00000000 Assault Fighter
1e 02 02 1e 0004 0304 0300 0080 1f40 000a 00000000 00000000 Combat Eagle
05 01 01 14 0004 0302 0400 0081 0bb8 000c 00000000 00000000 Scout Ship
28 01 03 30 0008 0306 3500 0082 3a98 0022 00080b0a LAB_0BFC Destructor
32 00 04 50 0008 0702 3600 0083 84d0 0034 00080b0e LAB_0BFD Terminator
28 00 02 72 0006 0701 3700 0084 5dc0 0069 00030f0f LAB_0BFE Transporter
46 00 06 72 0008 0706 3800 0085 ea60 005c 00030f0f LAB_0BFE Fleet Battleship
78 00 04 56 050a 0714 3900 00ad ffff 00d7 00010312 LAB_0BFB Orbital Space Dock

Armour is the default amount of armour the ship has. Speed is the ship's speed measured in FN, minus one. HP is number of hardpoints. Build is build time in days. Ore1 and Ore2 are the ores required; the first byte refers to the [[[project:k240-ores|type of ore]] starting with Selenium at 00, and the second is the amount required. ID is the ship's ID number to identify its type. Cost is the price in credits. Name is the index of the ship's name in the game strings set. Leng is ship length as listed on the build screen.

The eight following bytes are unknown. Both are blank for the small ships and only apply to large ships (ships which cannot land on a Landing Pad). The first four bytes are unknown. The second four bytes are pointers to later data as follows. It's worth noting that Transporter and Fleet Battleship share both fields.

LAB_0BFB: Orbital Space Dock
000000f0 00101000 00e00020 10f01010
f8f0f810 20f010e0 18d820e0 20001020
201030f0 30002020 182830e0 40e040f0
301050e0 50f048d8 40004010 30204020
50105020 48285000 600060f0 68f06010
681060e0 6020ffff

LAB_0BFC: Destructor
00001000 0808ffff

LAB_0BFD: Terminator
00000010 10001010 1808ffff

LAB_0BFE: Transporter / Fleet Battleship
000000f0 0010f800 100010f0 20f02000
101030f0 20e83000 20103010 20184000
40f04010 4800ffff

As the code is larger for larger ships, it may be coordinates for scaffold placement.

Current ship data

PART3 of the save game format stores the current game state of 700 ships using 54 bytes each. This data structure can also be located in memory.

Datatype Bytes (hex) Description
8 bytes $0 - $7 ??
byte $8 Ship identifier
12 bytes $9 - $15 ??
Byte $16 Unknown cycling digits, perhaps initiative count / time-to-fire?
20 bytes $17 to $29 ??
6 bytes $2a to 2f Hardpoint slots (one per byte)
Byte $30 Fleet ID
Byte $31 ??
Word $32-33 Current armour value

Alien ships

The alien file format has yet to be decoded.

Analysis of WinUAE save state files suggests that the aliens use the following ship configurations. This list is incomplete.


ID Armor Hardpoints Name
3D 30 Photon Cannon, Ion Cannon, Vortex Mine Tylaran ship 3D
3F 5 Laser Tylaran ship 3F (scout ship?)
40 30 Photon Cannon, Plasma Cannon Tylaran ship 40
41 100 Static Inducer, Plasma Cannon, Vortex Mine, Shield x20 Tylaran ship 41
42 15 Photon Cannon, Photon Cannon Tylaran ship 42
44 ?? ?? Tylaran ship 44


ID Armor Hardpoints Name Notes
3C 20 Photon Cannon, Ion Cannon, Warp Generator Combat vessel 3C Swixarans begin with 12
41 20 Plasma Cannon, Ion Cannon Transporter plant 41
4B 100 Plasma Cannon, Plasma Cannon, Plasma Cannon, Plasma Cannon Large station 4B Swixarans begin with 2
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