"Hardware Reference Manual"
Hardware Reference Manual
Released: 1985
Platforms: Commodore Amiga


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Hardware Access


As described in the Hardware Reference Manual :

Note :
The addresses shown here are used by the special custom chips (named "Paula", "Agnus", and "Denise") for transferring data among themselves. Also, the Copper uses these addresses for writing to the special chip registers.

Address Name Access OCS ECS AGA Description
DFF000 BLTDDAT ER * * * Blitter dest. early read (dummy address)
DFF002 DMACONR R * * * Dma control (and blitter status) read
DFF004 VPOSR R * * * Read vertical most sig. bits (and frame flop)
DFF006 VHPOSR R * * * Read vert and horiz position of beam
DFF008 DSKDATR ER * * * Disk data early read (dummy address)
DFF00A JOY0DAT R * * * Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert, horiz)
DFF00C JOY1DAT R * * * Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert, horiz)
DFF00E CLXDAT R * * * Collision data reg. (read and clear)
DFF010 ADKCONR R * * * Audio,disk control register read
DFF012 POT0DAT R * * * Pot counter data left pair (vert, horiz)
DFF014 POT1DAT R * * * Pot counter data right pair (vert, horiz)
DFF016 POTINP R * * * Pot pin data read
DFF018 SERDATR R * * * Serial port data and status read
DFF01A DSKBYTR R * * * Disk data byte and status read
DFF01C INTENAR R * * * Interrupt enable bits read
DFF01E INTREQR R * * * Interrupt request bits read
DFF020 DSKPTH W * * * Disk pointer (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
DFF022 DSKPTL W * * * Disk pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF024 DSKLEN W * * * Disk length
DFF026 DSKDAT W * * * Disk DMA data write
DFF028 REFPTR W * * * Refresh pointer
DFF02A VPOSW W * * * Write vert most sig. bits (and frame flop)
DFF02C VHPOSW W * * * Write vert and horiz pos of beam
DFF02E COPCON W * * * Coprocessor control
DFF030 SERDAT W * * * Serial port data and stop bits write
DFF032 SERPER W * * * Serial port period and control
DFF034 POTGO W * * * Pot count start,pot pin drive enable data
DFF036 JOYTEST W * * * Write to all 4 joystick-mouse counters at once
DFF038 STREQU S * * * Strobe for horiz sync with VB and EQU
DFF03A STRVBL S * * * Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert blank)
DFF03C STRHOR S * * * Strobe for horiz sync
DFF03E STRLONG S * * * Strobe for identification of long horiz line
DFF040 BLTCON0 W * * * Blitter control register 0
DFF042 BLTCON1 W * * * Blitter control register 1
DFF044 BLTAFWM W * * * Blitter first word mask for source A
DFF046 BLTALWM W * * * Blitter last word mask for source A
DFF048 BLTCPTH W * * * Blitter pointer to source C (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
DFF04A BLTCPTL W * * * Blitter pointer to source C (low 15 bits)
DFF04C BLTBPTH W * * * Blitter pointer to source B (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
DFF04E BLTBPTL W * * * Blitter pointer to source B (low 15 bits)
DFF050 BLTAPTH W * * * Blitter pointer to source A (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
DFF052 BLTAPTL W * * * Blitter pointer to source A (low 15 bits)
DFF054 BLTDPTH W * * * Blitter pointer to dest D (high 5 bits, was 3 bits)
DFF056 BLTDPTL W * * * Blitter pointer to dest D (low 15 bits)
DFF058 BLTSIZE W * * * Blitter start and size (win/width,height)
DFF05A BLTCON0L W * * Blitter control 0, lower 8 bits (minterms)
DFF05C BLTSIZV W * * Blitter V size (for 15 bit vertical size)
DFF05E BLTSIZH W * * Blitter H size and start (for 11 bit H size)
DFF060 BLTCMOD W * * * Blitter modulo for source C
DFF062 BLTBMOD W * * * Blitter modulo for source B
DFF064 BLTAMOD W * * * Blitter modulo for source A
DFF066 BLTDMOD W * * * Blitter modulo for dest D
DFF070 BLTCDAT W * * * Blitter source C data register
DFF072 BLTBDAT W * * * Blitter source B data register
DFF074 BLTADAT W * * * Blitter source A data register
DFF078 SPRHDAT W * * Ext. logic UHRES sprite pointer and data identifier
DFF07A BPLHDAT W * * Ext. logic UHRES bit plane identifier
DFF07C DENISEID R * * Chip revision level for Denise/Lisa (video out chip)
DFF07E DSKSYNC W * * * Disk sync pattern reg for disk read
DFF080 COP1LCH W * * * Coprocessor 1st location (high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
DFF082 COP1LCL W * * * Coprocessor 1st location (low 15 bits)
DFF084 COP2LCH W * * * Coprocessor 2nd location(high 5 bits,was 3 bits)
DFF086 COP2LCL W * * * Coprocessor 2nd location (low 15 bits)
DFF088 COPJMP1 S * * * Coprocessor restart at 1st location
DFF08A COPJMP2 S * * * Coprocessor restart at 2nd location
DFF08C COPINS S * * * Coprocessor inst fetch identify
DFF08E DIWSTRT W * * * Display window start (upper left vert,horiz pos)
DFF090 DIWSTOP W * * * Display window stop (lower right vert,horiz pos)
DFF092 DDFSTRT W * * * Display bit plane data fetch start,horiz pos
DFF094 DDFSTOP W * * * Display bit plane data fetch stop,horiz pos
DFF096 DMACON W * * * DMA control write (clear or set)
DFF098 CLXCON W * * * Collision control
DFF09A INTENA W * * * Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits)
DFF09C INTREQ W * * * Interrupt request bits (clear or set bits)
DFF09E ADKCON W * * * Audio,disk,UART control
DFF0A0 AUD0LCH W * * * Audio channel 0 location (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0A2 AUD0LCL W * * * Audio channel 0 location (low 15 bits)
DFF0A4 AUD0LEN W * * * Audio channel 0 length
DFF0A6 AUD0PER W * * * Audio channel 0 period
DFF0A8 AUD0VOL W * * * Audio channel 0 volume
DFF0AA AUD0DAT W * * * Audio channel 0 data
DFF0B0 AUD1LCH W * * * Audio channel 1 location (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0B2 AUD1LCL W * * * Audio channel 1 location (low 15 bits)
DFF0B4 AUD1LEN W * * * Audio channel 1 length
DFF0B6 AUD1PER W * * * Audio channel 1 period
DFF0B8 AUD1VOL W * * * Audio channel 1 volume
DFF0BA AUD1DAT W * * * Audio channel 1 data
DFF0C0 AUD2LCH W * * * Audio channel 2 location (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0C2 AUD2LCL W * * * Audio channel 2 location (low 15 bits)
DFF0C4 AUD2LEN W * * * Audio channel 2 length
DFF0C6 AUD2PER W * * * Audio channel 2 period
DFF0C8 AUD2VOL W * * * Audio channel 2 volume
DFF0CA AUD2DAT W * * * Audio channel 2 data
DFF0D0 AUD3LCH W * * * Audio channel 3 location (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0D2 AUD3LCL W * * * Audio channel 3 location (low 15 bits)
DFF0D4 AUD3LEN W * * * Audio channel 3 length
DFF0D6 AUD3PER W * * * Audio channel 3 period
DFF0D8 AUD3VOL W * * * Audio channel 3 volume
DFF0DA AUD3DAT W * * * Audio channel 3 data
DFF0E0 BPL1PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 1 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0E2 BPL1PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 1 (low 15 bits)
DFF0E4 BPL2PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 2 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0E6 BPL2PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 2 (low 15 bits)
DFF0E8 BPL3PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 3 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0EA BPL3PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 3 (low 15 bits)
DFF0EC BPL4PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 4 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0EE BPL4PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 4 (low 15 bits)
DFF0F0 BPL5PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 5 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0F2 BPL5PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 5 (low 15 bits)
DFF0F4 BPL6PTH W * * * Bitplane pointer 6 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0F6 BPL6PTL W * * * Bitplane pointer 6 (low 15 bits)
DFF0F8 BPL7PTH W * Bitplane pointer 7 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0FA BPL7PTL W * Bitplane pointer 7 (low 15 bits)
DFF0FC BPL8PTH W * Bitplane pointer 8 (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF0FE BPL8PTL W * Bitplane pointer 8 (low 15 bits)
DFF100 BPLCON0 W * * * Bitplane control (miscellaneous control bits)
DFF102 BPLCON1 W * * * Bitplane control (scroll value)
DFF104 BPLCON2 W * * * Bitplane control (video priority control)
DFF106 BPLCON3 W * * * Bitplane control (enhanced features)
DFF108 BPL1MOD W * * * Bitplane modulo (odd planes)
DFF10A BPL2MOD W * * * Bitplane modulo (even planes)
DFF10C BPLCON4 W * Bitplane control (bitplane and sprite-masks)
DFF10E CLXCON2 W * Extended collision control
DFF110 BPL1DAT W * * * Bitplane 1 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF112 BPL2DAT W * * * Bitplane 2 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF114 BPL3DAT W * * * Bitplane 3 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF116 BPL4DAT W * * * Bitplane 4 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF118 BPL5DAT W * * * Bitplane 5 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11A BPL6DAT W * * * Bitplane 6 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11C BPL7DAT W * Bitplane 7 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF11E BPL8DAT W * Bitplane 8 data (parallel to serial convert)
DFF120 SPR0PTH W * * * Sprite 0 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF122 SPR0PTL W * * * Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF124 SPR1PTH W * * * Sprite 1 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF126 SPR1PTL W * * * Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF128 SPR2PTH W * * * Sprite 2 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF12A SPR2PTL W * * * Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF12C SPR3PTH W * * * Sprite 3 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF12E SPR3PTL W * * * Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF130 SPR4PTH W * * * Sprite 4 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF132 SPR4PTL W * * * Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF134 SPR5PTH W * * * Sprite 5 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF136 SPR5PTL W * * * Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF138 SPR6PTH W * * * Sprite 6 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF13A SPR6PTL W * * * Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF13C SPR7PTH W * * * Sprite 7 pointer (high 5 bits was 3 bits)
DFF13E SPR7PTL W * * * Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF140 SPR0POS W * * * Sprite 0 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF142 SPR0CTL W * * * Sprite 0 position and control data
DFF144 SPR0DATA W * * * Sprite 0 image data register A
DFF146 SPR0DATB W * * * Sprite 0 image data register B
DFF148 SPR1POS W * * * Sprite 1 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF14A SPR1CTL W * * * Sprite 1 position and control data
DFF14C SPR1DATA W * * * Sprite 1 image data register A
DFF14E SPR1DATB W * * * Sprite 1 image data register B
DFF150 SPR2POS W * * * Sprite 2 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF152 SPR2CTL W * * * Sprite 2 position and control data
DFF154 SPR2DATA W * * * Sprite 2 image data register A
DFF156 SPR2DATB W * * * Sprite 2 image data register B
DFF158 SPR3POS W * * * Sprite 3 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF15A SPR3CTL W * * * Sprite 3 position and control data
DFF15C SPR3DATA W * * * Sprite 3 image data register A
DFF15E SPR3DATB W * * * Sprite 3 image data register B
DFF160 SPR4POS W * * * Sprite 4 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF162 SPR4CTL W * * * Sprite 4 position and control data
DFF164 SPR4DATA W * * * Sprite 4 image data register A
DFF166 SPR4DATB W * * * Sprite 4 image data register B
DFF168 SPR5POS W * * * Sprite 5 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF16A SPR5CTL W * * * Sprite 5 position and control data
DFF16C SPR5DATA W * * * Sprite 5 image data register A
DFF16E SPR5DATB W * * * Sprite 5 image data register B
DFF170 SPR6POS W * * * Sprite 6 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF172 SPR6CTL W * * * Sprite 6 position and control data
DFF174 SPR6DATA W * * * Sprite 6 image data register A
DFF176 SPR6DATB W * * * Sprite 6 image data register B
DFF178 SPR7POS W * * * Sprite 7 vert,horiz start pos data
DFF17A SPR7CTL W * * * Sprite 7 position and control data
DFF17C SPR7DATA W * * * Sprite 7 image data register A
DFF17E SPR7DATB W * * * Sprite 7 image data register B
DFF180 COLOR00 W * * * Color table 0
DFF182 COLOR01 W * * * Color table 1
DFF184 COLOR02 W * * * Color table 2
DFF186 COLOR03 W * * * Color table 3
DFF188 COLOR04 W * * * Color table 4
DFF18A COLOR05 W * * * Color table 5
DFF18C COLOR06 W * * * Color table 6
DFF18E COLOR07 W * * * Color table 7
DFF190 COLOR08 W * * * Color table 8
DFF192 COLOR09 W * * * Color table 9
DFF194 COLOR10 W * * * Color table 10
DFF196 COLOR11 W * * * Color table 11
DFF198 COLOR12 W * * * Color table 12
DFF19A COLOR13 W * * * Color table 13
DFF19C COLOR14 W * * * Color table 14
DFF19E COLOR15 W * * * Color table 15
DFF1A0 COLOR16 W * * * Color table 16
DFF1A2 COLOR17 W * * * Color table 17
DFF1A4 COLOR18 W * * * Color table 18
DFF1A6 COLOR19 W * * * Color table 19
DFF1A8 COLOR20 W * * * Color table 20
DFF1AA COLOR21 W * * * Color table 21
DFF1AC COLOR22 W * * * Color table 22
DFF1AE COLOR23 W * * * Color table 23
DFF1B0 COLOR24 W * * * Color table 24
DFF1B2 COLOR25 W * * * Color table 25
DFF1B4 COLOR26 W * * * Color table 26
DFF1B6 COLOR27 W * * * Color table 27
DFF1B8 COLOR28 W * * * Color table 28
DFF1BA COLOR29 W * * * Color table 29
DFF1BC COLOR30 W * * * Color table 30
DFF1BE COLOR31 W * * * Color table 31
DFF1C0 HTOTAL W * * Highest number count, horiz line (VARBEAMEN=1)
DFF1C2 HSSTOP W * * Horizontal line position for HSYNC stop
DFF1C4 HBSTRT W * * Horizontal line position for HBLANK start
DFF1C6 HBSTOP W * * Horizontal line position for HBLANK stop
DFF1C8 VTOTAL W * * Highest numbered vertical line (VARBEAMEN=1)
DFF1CA VSSTOP W * * Vertical line position for VSYNC stop
DFF1CC VBSTRT W * * Vertical line for VBLANK start
DFF1CE VBSTOP W * * Vertical line for VBLANK stop
DFF1D0 SPRHSTRT W * * UHRES sprite vertical start
DFF1D2 SPRHSTOP W * * UHRES sprite vertical stop
DFF1D4 BPLHSTRT W * * UHRES bit plane vertical start
DFF1D6 BPLHSTOP W * * UHRES bit plane vertical stop
DFF1D8 HHPOSW W * * DUAL mode hires H beam counter write
DFF1DA HHPOSR R * * DUAL mode hires H beam counter read
DFF1DC BEAMCON0 W * * * Beam counter control register (SHRES,UHRES,PAL)
DFF1DE HSSTRT W * * Horizontal sync start (VARHSY)
DFF1E0 VSSTRT W * * Vertical sync start (VARVSY)
DFF1E2 HCENTER W * * Horizontal position for Vsync on interlace
DFF1E4 DIWHIGH W * * Display window - upper bits for start/stop
DFF1E6 BPLHMOD W * * UHRES bit plane modulo
DFF1E8 SPRHPTH W * * UHRES sprite pointer (high 5 bits)
DFF1EA SPRHPTL W * * UHRES sprite pointer (low 15 bits)
DFF1EC BPLHPTH W * * VRam (UHRES) bitplane pointer (hi 5 bits)
DFF1EE BPLHPTL W * * VRam (UHRES) bitplane pointer (lo 15 bits)
DFF1FC FMODE W * Fetch mode register


The Amiga has two 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) chips which handle the serial, parallel, keyboard and other IO activities.

Address Chip Name Description / data bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BFE001 ciaa pra /FIR1 /FIR0 /RDY /TK0 /WPRO /CHNG /LED OVL
BFE101 ciaa prb Parallel port
BFE201 ciaa ddra Direction for port A (BFE001); 1=output (set to 0x03)
BFE301 ciaa ddrb Direction for port B (BFE101); 1=output (can be in or out)
BFE401 ciaa talo CIAA timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFE501 ciaa tahi CIAA timer A high byte
BFE601 ciaa tblo CIAA timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFE701 ciaa tbhi CIAA timer B high byte
BFE801 ciaa todlo 50/60 Hz event counter bits 7-0 (VSync or line tick)
BFE901 ciaa todmid 50/60 Hz event counter bits 15-8
BFEA01 ciaa todhi 50/60 Hz event counter bits 23-16
BFEB01 ciaa not used
BFEC01 ciaa sdr CIAA serial data register (connected to keyboard)
BFED01 ciaa icr CIAA interrupt control register
BFEE01 ciaa cra CIAA control register A
BFEF01 ciaa crb CIAA control register B
BFD100 ciab prb /MTR /SEL3 /SEL2 /SEL1 /SEL0 /SIDE DIR /STEP
BFD200 ciab ddra Direction for Port A (BFD000); 1 = output (set to 0xFF)
BFD300 ciab ddrb Direction for Port B (BFD100); 1 = output (set to 0xFF)
BFD400 ciab talo CIAB timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFD500 ciab tahi CIAB timer A high byte
BFD600 ciab tblo CIAB timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL)
BFD700 ciab tbhi CIAB timer B high byte
BFD800 ciab todlo Horizontal sync event counter bits 7-0
BFD900 ciab todmid Horizontal sync event counter bits 15-8
BFDA00 ciab todhi Horizontal sync event counter bits 23-16
BFDB00 ciab not used
BFDC00 ciab sdr CIAB serial data register (unused)
BFDD00 ciab icr CIAB interrupt control register
BFDE00 ciab cra CIAB Control register A
BFDF00 ciab crb CIAB Control register B

Note: CIAA can generate interrupt INT2 and CIAB can generate interrupt INT6.



ReSource provides a set of symbols for the custom hardware.

Version Address Range Description
4.00 0xDFFxxx Through the S2 menu, under the C submenu, as the Custom Hardware
4.00 0xBFExxx Not exposed as accessible symbols.
6.06 0xDFFxxx Through the Hardware menu, as the custom option.
6.06 0xBFExxx Through the Hardware menu, as the cia option.

Illustrated with screenshots:

Hardware Reference Manual Hardware Reference Manual

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